January 27, 2025

More Songs About Trucking and How They Affect Mood
More Songs About Trucking and How They Affect Mood
Trucker listening to positive music for a happy mood.

We have found more songs about the wonderful world of trucking, some that truckers can relate to, and we are using them to remind drivers of the importance of music choices and how they affect time on the road. Having a positive mood while working the road is vital, and the type of music you listen to can determine your feelings. These songs about trucking should lift the spirits and empower drivers, something not all songs can do.


More Songs About Trucks and Trucking


Something Bout a Truck- Kip Moore


Listening to sad music can cause rumination, constantly thinking about or dwelling on negative feelings. The sad emotions the music brings out can let you stay in this frame of mind for long periods of time, harming mental health over time. A positive outlook is important to truckers who spend so much time on the road; therefore, music that reminds you of sad feelings is a no-go when driving.


Roll On (18 Wheeler)- Alabama

Country music is a great companion on the road. Try to stick to more upbeat songs and stay away from Whiskey lullabies. Working on the road means dealing with homesickness occasionally. Avoiding music with lyrics that remind you of home is a great way to veer away from self-sabotage.


How Certain Songs Affect Mood


Eighteen Wheels and a Dozen Roses- Kathy Mattea



Some Trucking Songs Can Be a Distraction


Listening to music with too many lyrics can often be distracting while driving. However, singing along to a song can help you stay awake when a case of weary eyes catches up. Singing a song like I’ve Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash may be fun if you know the lyrics, but don’t be tempted to keep pressing rewind to memorize all the places he’s been because that would make for a distracted driver, and that’s what we always want to avoid. Consider memorizing the song during downtime, then sing along when the urge strikes on the road.


I’ve Been Everywhere-Johnny Cash


Any music that may bring out feelings of anger should also be avoided when driving. Heavy metal may be suitable for getting energized at the gym, but it may evoke feelings of road rage if you listen to it too much while driving. Listening to music while driving is a must for some, but the type of music makes a difference in your driving experience.


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Other Recommended Readings from our Blog:

The 5 Best Songs About Truckers and Trucking

How Do Music Choices Affect Driving?

Stress Awareness For Truck Drivers
