September 9, 2024

Trucking is Going Green with Renewable Diesel
Trucking is Going Green with Renewable Diesel
Renewable and bio diesel powered trucks are environmentally friendly alternatives.

Trucking is transitioning to renewable diesel to reduce carbon emissions. The aim is to achieve zero carbon emissions within the next 25 years. The commercial transportation industry faces challenges in eliminating fossil fuels due to the significant power they provide for drivers and operators. Truckers haul thousands of pounds of goods, and powerful machinery is essential. While electric trucks have been introduced, they present issues for some drivers. Renewable diesel is now taking center stage, aiming to persuade experienced truckers to shift from traditional diesel power.



Why Does Trucking Need Renewable Diesel



The effect of polluting gases.



Burning petroleum diesel contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, which are detrimental to the environment. Harmful gases are released into the ozone, and when combined with other environmental pollutants, they create a greenhouse effect around the earth, causing temperatures to rise. Finding ways to eliminate these harmful gases brings us closer to a greener future for truckers. Other fuel resources are being explored to find an environmentally friendly fuel that works for everyone.



Electric Trucking Takes Attempt at Going Green



When the world announced it was going green, and that burning too many fossil fuels might bring the sun to our doorstep, vehicle dealers turned from air-polluting gas to battery-charged electric models.

Soon many of us were plugging our cars in like cellphones while others were dipping their toes in the water with hybrid fuel types. In similar ways, electric trucking has also gained headway over the years, but difficulties and setbacks are slowing the process.

Because humans have become accustomed to operating in a non-green manner, switching energy sources now is easier said than done. Truckers who are used to their regular fueling stations and the pulling power of diesel aren’t easily convinced about green trucking. However, renewable diesel, while not as environmentally friendly as electric trucking or biodiesel, serves as a type of hybrid fuel that truckers may approve of.


Going Green with Renewable Diesel and Biodiesel



Biodiesel and renewable diesel fuel alternatives.



Renewable and biodiesel are both environmentally friendly alternatives to petroleum diesel but are chemically different. Renewable diesel is often combined with petroleum diesel for a more environmentally friendly fuel option.

The two types of diesel are made from renewable sources like vegetable oils, soybean oil, animal fats, or used cooking oil. Renewable diesel is created through a hydrogen treatment, which makes it chemically identical to petroleum diesel. It can be blended at higher levels and transported using existing pipelines.

Biodiesel eliminates the need for petroleum diesel, but it is more difficult to manufacture and is less powerful. Biodiesel, being a more organic material, isn’t easy to store without freezing, and algae growth is a common problem.

Until biodiesel is perfected, using renewable diesel, even if mixed with petroleum diesel, is less harmful to the environment, and puts us one step closer to zero carbon emissions.



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