May 18, 2020

Where Does the Trucking Industry Stand as the Country Starts the Reopening?
Where Does the Trucking Industry Stand as the Country Starts the Reopening?

The world is slowly reopening as people are emerging and countries continue to roll out phases of reopening. The trucking industry has changed the past couple of months due to the pandemic and will continue changing.

Although truckers have always been essential to the movement of the world in a sense, they haven’t always been seen that way and the pandemic has shone a light on the importance of the trucking industry.

As the world prepares for reopening, its important to take a look at what the trucking industry might be facing in the coming months.

New (and extended) social distancing measures during reopening

Most states are keeping strict social distancing measures in place as more and more phases od reopening roll out. Many trucking companies are sticking to as many social distancing measures as they can including implementing stricter pick up drop off regulations and limiting contact with warehouse personnel.

Some companies like Armada Trucking Group operate drop and hook trucking where contact with others at drop off and pick up locations is already limited.

Maintaining at least 6 feet distance between another person is also very important as well as not traveling anywhere that isn’t essential.

New (and extended) hygiene protocols for reopening

When it comes to hygiene, trucking companies are stepping up their game. At Armada Trucking Group, we are issuing face masks and gloves to our truck drivers as well as hand sanitizers whenever needed.

Driver safety is always the number one priority and keeping truck drivers safe now is more important than ever. Aside from personal hygiene, at Armada we are also making it a routine to thoroughly sanitize each truck in between runs and whenever possible.

Aside from the trucking companies themselves, other establishments are also taking steps to make it easier on our truck drivers. Many truck stops are adding additional porta potty’s with sinks stationed outside of restrooms to limit interactions with other people while using the toilet.

Regulation changes in Trucking Industry

To assist truck drivers, the U.S. Department of Transportation has issued new regulations to the hours of service for drivers. Read all about it here.

There are many other changes expected and hoped for when looking at the trucking industry. Although they have remained essential, the pandemic is still affecting business for smaller trucking companies which proves that there should be more regulations put in place to benefit truck drivers and companies.

There is hope for regulations on shipping rates as truck drivers are bringing their frustrations to Washington in the form of protests. Here’s to hoping for the best.
