August 15, 2022
How Truckers Deal with Weigh Station Stress
While traveling on just about any significant highway, now and then, a green sign with white letters reading “weigh station” will pop up, beckoning truckers and other drivers of heavy vehicles to follow its arrow off the highway to be weighed. What are these weigh stations for, and how do truckers deal with the stress of pulling over and getting weighed?
What are Weigh Stations?
Weigh stations, or “Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facilities,” are operated by the California Highway Patrol, which inspects commercial vehicles traveling on highways. Maintaining the safety and stability of roads that may be compromised by too much weight is the purpose of weigh stations. Other inspections, such as tire pressure and fuel leaks, may also be performed for the safety of the drivers and others on the road. There are many safety procedures for truck drivers that should be applied to every long-haul trip, ensuring there isn’t any trouble reaching a weigh station.
Weigh Stations Aren’t Only for Truckers
Weigh stations being only for truckers is a common misconception, and it is sometimes difficult to determine which vehicle needs to stop. The CHP requires all commercial vehicles, or any vehicle used or maintained for the transportation of people for hire, compensation or profit, and transportation of property, to stop and be inspected for size, weight, equipment, and smoke emissions. This list also includes pick-up trucks with campers, U-Haul trucks, station wagons, and others weighing a certain amount.
Stress for Truckers at a Weigh Station
Weigh stations can often become a nuisance for drivers, especially truckers. Some weigh stations can experience congestion, and long weight times, which is not suitable for truckers on a strict schedule. Many weigh stations also don’t offer any leeway regarding weight, not accounting for the personal items and necessities truckers take on a trip, all of which contribute to the truck’s total weight. The trucking industry is important, and making weigh stations more sensitive for truckers and easier to manage will only help further the industry.
Other Options for Faster Weigh Station Service
Truckers have less stress when dropping off loads thanks to drop and hook trucking, but in the world of trucking, every minute counts, and finding ways to cross weigh stations faster is vital. A weigh station bypass is available to drivers in the form of a transponder or mobile app which communicates with weigh stations, signaling whether weight, size, etc. requirements were met without having to pull into the station. Some highways also feature a weigh-in-motion system with weights and sensors along the road, signaling the drivers with green lights if requirements are met. These features will help truckers who may not have time to spare by pulling into weigh stations.